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Bye bye 2022, Selamat Datang 2023!
Tahun 2023 sudah datang! Promo akhir tahun sudah berakhir ya? Gak usah kuatir, Bikeplus masih punya promo akhir tahun 2022 buat kalian semua!! .....
Tempat Indah Dacun bersama BikexFun
Sebelumnya BikexFun udah ngomongin soal makanan di Dacun, nah sekarang kita mau kasih tau tempat yang bagus! BikexFun bakal bawa kamu berkeliling ke "hidden gem" nya Dacun! Yuks ~~ .....
Bungkus bareng YUK!
Ingin kirim barang? Kirim paket pesanan orang? Kirim ke 7-11 atau Family Mart tapi gak ngerti bahasanya? .....
Layanan pas foto, siap ujian SIM!
Before you apply for driving license test in Taiwan, there are some requirement you need to be aware of. One of those requirement is a pass photo. In Taiwan, a formal photo is needed according to the size regulated by the government. This formal photo will be placed on your medical checkup report adn will…
BikexFun Motor Wash Service
We gave motorcycle wash service in BikexFun, very convenient for you who wishes to have clean and spotless motorcycle but did not have the time to do it by yourself. BikexFun is ready to help.Besides motor wash we also provides motorcycle polish service, an all-in one stop service!
Bikin Plat Nomor Sepeda Listrik? Bikeplus aja ~~
Sejak tanggal 01 November 2022, Departemen Kendaraan Taiwan telah mengeluarkan peraturan dan Undang-Undang baru mengenai kendaraan motor listrik, yaitu diwajibkan untukl plat bernomor registrasi resmi pada setiap kendaraan motor listrik.....